Welcome to FDLRS PAEC

Vision & Mission

The vision of the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) is that every child receiving exceptional student education services will be able to achieve their fullest potential from prekindergarten through postsecondary opportunities, resulting in college, career, and life readiness.

The mission of the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) is to support and enhance exceptional student education programs by providing evidence-based, high-quality professional learning opportunities; integrating assistive and instructional technology; promoting family engagement; and ensuring access to early intervention services.



News and Announcements

The Road to Behavior Strategies

The Road to Behavior Strategies: Tips and Tools for Families and Caregivers


Madalyn Thorne, FDLRS PAEC Parent and Family Services Resource Specialist


This training is designed to be a tool to help parents and caregivers to better understand what behavior is, how behavior is handled, how to examine challenging behaviors, and how to utilize behavior strategies in your home.

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